
  • Name
  • Sector
  • Listing date
  • Symbol on ADX
  • Incorporation
  • Share capital

Key Shareholders

  • Emirates International Investment Company LLC
  • Emirates National Bank of Dubai PJSC
  • Other investors

Stock Ownership

  • Foreign Ownership
  • GCC Nationals
  • UAE Nationals
  • Arab Countries

Key Statistics

  • P/E Excl. Extra Items (TTM)
  • Price To Sales (TTM)
  • Price To Book (Quarterly)
  • Price To Cash Flow Per Share (TTM)
  • Debt/Total Equity (Quarterly)
  • Long Term Debt/Equity (Quarterly)
  • Return On Equity (TTM)


  • Revenue Growth (Quarterly YoY)
  • Revenue Growth Rate (5Y)
  • EPS Growth (TTM YoY)
  • EPS Growth Rate (5Y)
  • EPS Growth (Quarterly YoY)


  • Dividend per share (annual)
  • Average yield %

Highs & Lows (AED)

  • 52 Week High
  • 52 Week Low

Periodical Return (%)